Campus Events
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Events for January
College closed in observance of New Year's Day
Residence Hall opens for Winter Quarter at 10 am
Last Day to enter a class without Instructors approval
TVCC women's and men's basketball vs. Columbia Basin College
College closed to commemorate the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
TVCC Athletic Department Concussion Testing for spring sports- baseball and softball
Last day to receive a refund (must officially withdraw by 5 pm)
TVCC Athletic Department Concussion Testing for spring sports- baseball and softball
TVCC women's and men's basketball vs. Yakima Valley College
TVCC Athletic Department Concussion Testing for spring sports- baseball and softball
ASG will be hosting a self defense class for all students to come and learn a few moves that will help keep you safe.
Phi Theta Kappa to meet for their orientation.
TVCC Athletic Department Concussion Testing for spring sports- baseball and softball
TVCC women's and men's basketball vs. Wenatchee Valley
TVCC Athletic Department Concussion Testing for spring sports- baseball and softball
Events for February
Last day to drop without "w", Declare an Audit or Request "S: or "U" Grades
TVCC Athletic Department Concussion Testing for spring sports- baseball and softball
TVCC women's and men's basketball vs. Spokane
ASG will be hosting their annual Cupid Formal event. Come enjoy a free meal while listening to live music by Arbour Season at this formal event. There will be chances to win a prize as well!
TVCC women's and men's basketball vs. Big Bend Community College
Advising Day for all Students 8am-4pm
Closed to commemorate Presidents Washington and Lincoln's birthdays
New Students can now register for Spring and Summer Terms
Monthly Meeting
TVCC women's and men's basketball vs. Walla Walla
TVCC women's and men's basketball vs. Blue Mountain Community College
Events for March
Last Day it is possible to Withdraw from Classes with a "W"
Join Student Activates for a Glow Roller Rink Night in the gym! Bring a friend and skate the night away!
Deadline for all documents to be submitted to Financial Aid
TVCC baseball double header vs. Grays Harbor College
TVCC baseball double header vs. Grays Harbor College
The Multicultural & Diversity Center and ASG will be hosting a Women Discussion Panel on how to become a successful business women.
TVCC baseball double header vs. College of Southern Idaho
We are celebrating 50 years of this cultural exchange program between Osakasayama, Japan and Ontario, Oregon this year. We have 4 high school and college age students coming to Ontario for 10 days starting March 13. They stay with host families and we show them all the sights, sounds and food of the local area. We want to make these visitors feel welcome to Ontario and TVCC. This event is open to the public and we encourage folks to stop in and say hi to our visitors from Japan.
Deadline for Foundation Scholarship Priority
TVCC softball double header vs. North Idaho
TVCC softball double header vs. Spokane
TVCC baseball double header vs. Clark College
TVCC baseball double header vs. Clark College
Students can move back into the Residence Hall in preparation for Spring Quarter.
TVCC softball double header vs. Wenatchee Valley
TVCC baseball double header vs. Blue Mountain
Events for April
Instructors approval will be needed to enroll in a class after today
TVCC baseball double header vs. Columbia Basin
TVCC softball double header vs. Columbia Basin
TVCC softball double header vs. Walla Walla
Withdraw by 5 pm to get a refund
TVCC baseball double header vs. Walla Walla
TVCC softball double header vs. Blue Mountain
TVCC Women's Basketball hosting recruit day for current seniors and juniors in high school
TVCC baseball double header vs. Wenatchee Valley
TVCC baseball double header vs. Spokane
Deadline to drop classes without "W", declare an audit or request a "S" , "U" grade.
Events for May
TVCC softball double header vs. Yakima Valley
TVCC Men's Basketball prospect camp for current high schoolers
TVCC softball double header vs. Big Bend
TVCC baseball double header vs. Yakima Valley
Advising Day For Fall Term (No day classes held 8am-4pm)
Faculty in Success Summit
TVCC baseball double header vs. Big Bend
Deadline for Financial Aid Documents
TVCC District budget committee meeting
Monthly Meeting
College closed in remembrance of those who died in active military service.
Conducted by Denise Rasmussen General Seating-Adults $10 Students Free
Events for June
TVCC Women's Basketball hosting girls high school basketball summer league for local high schools.
TVCC Women's Basketball hosting girls high school basketball summer league for local high schools.
TVCC Women's Basketball hosting girls high school basketball summer league for local high schools.
TVCC Women's Basketball hosting girls high school basketball summer league for local high schools.
TVCC Women's Basketball hosting girls high school basketball summer league for local high schools.
Meeting for Workforce Ready Grant
TVCC Women's Basketball hosting girls high school basketball summer league for local high schools.
Join us for the groundbreaking ceremony for the Nursing & Allied Health Building
Directed by Michelle Flock General Admission Adults $5 Students Free
Youth wrestling camp hosted by Treasure Valley Community College wrestling club
TVCC Women's Basketball hosting girls high school basketball summer league for local high schools.
TVCC Women's Basketball hosting girls high school basketball summer league for local high schools.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
TVCC men's basketball hosting high school summer league for high school boys basketball teams
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
TVCC men's basketball hosting high school summer league for high school boys basketball teams
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
College closed to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
Career Exploration Camp for Malheur County summer school students.
(8-week & First 4-week Sessions)
TVCC men's basketball hosting high school summer league for high school boys basketball teams
(8-week & First 4-week Sessions) by 5:00PM
TVCC men's basketball hosting high school summer league for high school boys basketball teams
(8-week & First 4-week Sessions by 5:00PM)
Events for July
Last Day to Drop Classes without "W", Declare an Audit or request S or U grades (1st 4 week session)
First 4-Week Session
Last Day to Drop Classes without "W", Declare an Audit or Request "S" or "U" Grades (8 week session)
8-week Session
first 4-Week Session
Second 4-Week Session
Second 4-week session by 5:00PM
TVCC Volleyball hosting summer fundraising tournament
TVCC Volleyball hosting summer fundraising tournament
Second 4-Week Session
Events for August
Training on Active Shooter
(8-Week & 4-Week Sessions)
Athletic department concussion testing for student athletes
Athletic department concussion testing
Athletic department concussion testing
Events for September
- TVCC will be closed to honor and recognize the American Labor movement and the contributions of laborers to the achievements of the United States.
Get with your Instructor
Join the Student Activities team for a double-feature drive-in movie. Featuring The Pacifier and The Fall Guy!
Orientation for TVCC Foundation Scholarship recipients
Events for October
Join the Activities Team for a free meal as well as inflatables, yard games, and a photo booth!
Continuation of Fall Fest activities such as introductions of staff, faculty and sports as well as minute-to-win-it competitions and interviews!
Familiarize students with Web Soil Survey
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
Join the Activities Team for our Alcohol Awareness Event featuring renowned speaker C.L. Lindsay!
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
Project Dove's Annual Candle Light Vigil which honors those who have lost their life to domestic violence and celebrates those who have survived this crime.
Last day to Drop class Fall Quarter
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
TVCC Athletic Department concussion baseline testing for winter sport student-athletes
Events for November
Employers and Educators in the healthcare field will be present to share information about employment and training opportunities.
International Student Day is an annual event hosted by International Services celebrating our global student population through presentations, workshops, and global cuisine.
All campuses close at 3pm for Thanksgiving Break
Deadline for all documents to be submitted to the Financial Aid Office