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Course Details

Instructor(s): Breidinger, Jessica

Fall 2022
Department: HSER
Credits: 3.00
Status: Open (8 out of 25 seats)
Meeting Type: Online

Course Schedules:
Day & Time Date(s) Location
  9/26/2022-12/9/2022  WEB 

Course Description:
This course explores various meditation, body awareness, and yoga techniques. Learning takes place through practice and study of how your body handles (and can resolve) stress neurologically. The skills developed in this course can increase the ability to cope with stress, pain, and the challenges of everyday life. Students will learn to deal with disturbing events with grace and composure and to become more aware and fully present and alive in the moment. A growing body of research points to the benefits of mindfulness and meditation for mental and physical health. Although these terms are closely related, they are not identical. Mindfulness practice is one of many approaches to meditation; and mindfulness is applicable not just to meditation techniques but to a wide variety of daily life activities as well. These techniques assist us to combating negativity bias: triggers for the fight or flight stress response. By using meditation, mindfulness, and other techniques, and by learning more about how to manage our stress responses, we increase our well-being and life satisfaction.

Course Materials
Section with Low-cost Course Materials

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